9 Lessons Your Parents Taught You About Freestanding Electric Fireplace Heater

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Buying a Freestanding Electric Fireplace Heater

This freestanding electric fireplace heater looks great and offers good heating, a timer control that can run up to 8 hours, and independent switches for heat and flames. It is CSA-certified, comes with overheat protection as well as cool-touch surfaces that are safe to touch.

During our tests, we could feel the heat up to 4.5 feet away. It also comes with an automatic shut-off feature if the temperature reaches unsafe levels.

Plug-in or hardwired?

Electric fireplace heaters are a fantastic way to add warmth and ambiance to your home, without having to use gas or wood. These units are versatile and don't require installation and can be installed on any floor. They can provide additional warmth and recreate the glow of real flames by using multiple-colored LEDs that replicate the movement of flames in a traditional fireplace. Certain models come with thermostats that control the temperature in your room.

You can also pick from a range of styles, including traditional moulding or an appropriately proportioned insertion. You can also opt for a wall-mounted model that is flush with the wall to create a clean elegant look for your living space. Certain models can heat up to 1,000 square foot by using infrared.

These appliances are more efficient than those powered by wood or gas because they are powered by electricity. Look for an efficiency rating as well as temperature controls and adjustable flame and ember brightness settings to ensure that your unit is performing at its best.

A crucial aspect to consider when choosing an electric fireplace is whether you want it to be hardwired or plug-in. The former will provide more heating power, but requires a professional electrician to install it. Plug-in models on the other hand, are much easier to set up and can be connected to any outlet that has an appropriate power level. They typically produce less heat than their hardwired counterparts.

Another thing to consider is how often you intend to use the fireplace. If you are a frequent host of parties, you may want to opt for one that has remote-controlled functions that allow you to switch between multiple ambient settings. Certain manufacturers also offer safety features, such as a timer or cool-touch exteriors.

If you are buying an electric fireplace, make sure that the plug has three prongs. This will lower the chance of injuries and fires by making sure that the heater is not overheated. It's also recommended to avoid placing multiple electrical appliances on the same circuit as they can overload it.

Flames or no fire?

The first question you should ask yourself when buying a freestanding electric fireplace is whether you want flames. Many electric fireplaces mimic flames by using LED lights that can be adjusted to fit the style of your room. Some models have crackling sounds that add to the ambience. Some models employ infrared to distribute heat more efficiently and quietly. Infrared units are perfect for heating large areas and they also keep the temperature of the room constant even after the unit has been shut off.

If you're looking to have flames, consider what style of fire you'd like see. Some models feature a log-style fire with glowing embers and realistic flame movement. Some models have a more modern design that blends well with any interior design. Certain models come with an holographic flame effect which creates the illusion of a real wood fire without the mess or dangers.

Some models have a range of settings for heat that allow you to adjust the flames or coal bed to your preferences. Some models have a timer which lets you set the heat to eight hours in duration, and then turn off the heat automatically.

Other features to consider include a thermostat that allows you to regulate the heat levels in your home, and remotes that make it easy to operate the fireplace from anywhere in the room. Certain models have an option to not heat that allows you to switch on the flames and not heat the room.

Another option is to purchase an electric fireplace that has an integrated heater, but does not actually generate any heat. They are designed to create the focal point of your space, and they can be used all year round. These units are usually equipped with adjustable thermostats remote controls, as well as a variety of flame and ember colors.

Some suites can be wall-mounted or recessed into the wall to give them a sleek and elegant appearance. They are perfect for those who have limited the space for a floor or want an effortless integration into the existing space.

Safety features

Electric fireplace heaters have a lower risk of overheating than gas or wood-burning models, but they still require regular maintenance to perform optimally. Look for models with adjustable heat and flame settings to limit energy use and protection mechanisms against overheating to reduce the risk of fire. Look for a model that has child locks or a cool-to-touch exterior to reduce the chance of accidents.

This model comes with a wall anchor kit which makes installation simple. It also includes the option of a remote control that lets you to change the settings. It also comes with a timer, which allows you to set it to shut down after a certain hour. This way you can enjoy the flames without worrying about overheating. This product is CSA certified, which means you can be sure it complies with the strictest safety standards.

This compact model is among the most affordable options we tested and offers the most features for the price. It has a sleek contemporary design and two options for ember beds that include logs for a more traditional look and crystal stones for a modern touch. You can select the intensity and color of the flames to suit your taste. You can also display the embers with or without flames.

This model is CSA certified for safety and comes with an automatic shutoff feature to prevent overheating. It also has a cool-to-touch exterior and is built to withstand bumps, so you can put decor on top of it. This fireplace heated the room quickly during our tests.

The unit comes with a nice overheat protection and the temperature knobs are very easy to use. We also enjoyed that the flames and embers were visible from all directions, making your space a more realistic appearance. This unit uses radiant or infrared heating to heat objects and people directly, instead of moving air around the room. It's a great choice for smaller rooms that don't require a lot of additional heat.


A freestanding electric fireplace is a great choice for those who want to enjoy the warmth of a fireplace without having to deal with wood, smoke or a chimney. They are also more versatile than traditional fireplaces, since they don't require venting.

When choosing a freestanding fireplace consider how it will look within your home. There are models that appear modern and sleek, and others that are designed to resemble a traditional fireplace with a mantel. Choose a fireplace that will complement your room's aesthetic, and make sure to look through reviews and look at prices to find the best bargain.

If you're considering buying an electric fireplace heater, it's crucial to think about the amount of heat you require. While the majority of models clearly state the dimensions of the room they're meant for, some can produce more or less heat than others. Check the recommended BTUs against the size of the room.

Infrared heating, also known as radiant heating, is utilized by the majority of freestanding electric fireplace heaters to warm objects and people in the immediate area. Some models have an adjustable remote control that can adjust the flame and temperature settings. Models that have an adjustable temperature dial let you adjust the temperature of your room to your desired level.

A freestanding electric heater can offer a lot of warmth, even though it doesn't produce as much heat as wood-burning models or gas models. Some models have fans that circulate air over heated ceramic plates to distribute heat evenly throughout a space. Many of these units also allow you to use the flame feature separately from the heat source, which is ideal for summer nights when you just want some ambience.

Another way to save money on a freestanding electric fireplace heater is by purchasing a model with energy-saving features like a timer that can be programmed. Some models are more expensive than others, however, most brands provide various options that can fit any budget.